5 Tools Everyone In The Wall Fireplace Industry Should Be Using > 자유게시판

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5 Tools Everyone In The Wall Fireplace Industry Should Be Using

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작성자 Raquel Saraneal…
댓글 0건 조회 42회 작성일 23-11-29 12:31


How to Decorate Around a Wall Fireplace

jamfly-electric-fireplace-mantel-package-wooden-surround-firebox-tv-stand-free-standing-electric-fireplace-heater-with-logs-adjustable-led-flame-remote-control-750w-1500w-lvory-white-355.jpgA wall fireplace will make your living space an attractive focal point. There are a variety of models available and you must pick one that meets your requirements.

The heat output, controls, and the design are some of the most important features. If you're not aware of these features, it's best to consult a professional to assist you in choosing the right model.

Molded Squares

The living room required a dramatic fireplace makeover due to its outdated stone surround and boring walls. With a few design tweaks, the new look is fresh and striking and makes the hearth a focal point in the room. A whitewashed mantel for the fireplace and contemporary art above the fireplace modernize the facade, while the gray shelves below provide a stark contrast. The fireplace's facade is accentuated by a few color variations.

Base cap molding and thin trim pieces are combined to form a simple, yet effective, way to frame the fireplace surround. To bring the design together, choose a trim style to match or contrast with your other trim elements such as thick casing around windows and doors. If you're looking for a more elegant, high-end look, you can consider using fluted trim on the sides of the fireplace to create the illusion of an actual mantel. Dentil trim can be used to create a rustic farmhouse-style.

The idea of creating an accent wall using wainscoting is a popular method to add character to any room. The same technique can be used to frame the fireplace. Instead of using plank boards however, try a paneled product like beadboard or tongue-and-groove cedar siding to create a dramatic look.

Another non-combustible material you can create an enclosure for your fireplace is brick, which comes in many different styles and colors. A classic brick fireplace with red accents is ideal for Craft Revival or Cottage-style homes. The rustic-look brick is an option that could be a good fit with more traditional country decor.

If you are planning to incorporate brick into the design of your fireplace, make sure that your hearth is 16 to 18 inches away from the opening of the fireplace and your surround is 8 to 12 inches wide in all directions. Make sure the material you choose is safe and conforms to all national and local codes.

Open shelving is an ideal way to store books and other objects. However having too many shelves can overwhelm the appearance of the fireplace. For this family room, the homeowners designed a wall-to-ceiling limestone cladding to elevate the design of the new fireplace without overwhelming the open shelving.

Rustic Wood Beam

Rustic reclaimed wooden beams are the ideal frame for a wall fireplace. They add a timeless beauty to any house. Reclaimed beams of wood are made from old barns, stalls and other buildings that have been destroyed. Each beam is unique and has its own story. Reclaimed wood can also be used as a decorative element in modern kitchens or with wide plank paneling to create a rustic look. They feature the usual barn wood markings like mortise and nail holes, plus a natural aging which increases their longevity.

Find salvage yards for architectural elements and flea markets for wood pieces that you can repurpose into a mantel. For example the earthy color of pine that accentuates this traditional living room mantel and surround evokes an idyllic rural setting. The knotty imperfections of the wood emphasize the hand-crafted look and complement the simple lines of the beaded-board wainscoting that surrounds the fireplace wall. The rustic warmth of the room is accentuated by a pair inspired by nature wall sconces, and a landscape image above the mantel.

Repurposed wooden beams can make an attractive accent to any room in your home. They can be stained to match your current design or carved to create an antique look. They can also be painted to give an updated look or covered with faux finishes such as marbled paint or rust.

The wooden beams can be used as the focal feature of any fireplace. They can be positioned over a freestanding electric fireplace gas, ventless or electric wall mounted fireplace fireplace, or be integrated into a brick or stone fireplace. They can be used to accent the mantel with no fire burning.

No matter which method of installation you choose be sure that your wood or steel beams are adequately protected from the possible effects of fire. Both materials can be brittle in extreme heat. However they can be strengthened by a layer of fire-resistant drywall. These products are available at most home improvement shops.

White Hexagon Tile

Hexagon tiles can be utilized to create a dramatic effect as an accent for ethanol fireplaces (please click the following website). Its shape instantly brightens the space while complementing any style of decor from traditional to modern. The matte finish is ideal for a sleek and polished appearance while adding a splash of contrast to make the fireplace stand out.

Hex tiles can be customized with a variety of textures for a more personalized appearance. Stone-look tile is a popular option that gives the space a classic, rustic feel while pairing beautifully with natural materials such as wood. Another timeless option is marble-look tile that adds an elegant and luxurious look to the space. The smooth and glossy surface of these tiles sparkles beautifully, reflecting light and brightening up the space.

The perfect tile pattern can enhance the overall design of the fireplace. For Ethanol fireplaces example, the ribbed tile on this fireplace by @lorenapulichinodesign creates an interesting visual element that pairs beautifully with the smooth, thick mantel. The pattern of the tile provides a handcrafted look to the space, while balancing the contemporary organic style fireplace with the overall style of the room.

If you're unsure about taking a risk on a pattern in your home, a fireplace can be an ideal place to test out a bold pattern that might be intimidating in other areas of your home. This geometric tile with its black grout gives the room an elegant, yet fun feel. The hexagonal shapes resemble cubes to create a stimulating layout. The dark brown color creates an inviting, warm look that is perfect for industrial style.

Another option to make a statement with your fireplace is to use tiles that look like the appearance of brick or a similar material. This textured tile, made by LA Designer Affair, has a similar look to brick, but has the added benefit of being easier to clean and maintain.

If you're not ready to make a major overhaul of your fireplace surround, consider applying a peel and stick tile to update the appearance without spending a fortune. A lot of these options are resistant to heat which means they are safe for fireplaces and able to stick to the existing wall. This peel and stick herringbone tile is a great option to add the look of a room. It also works beautifully with traditional furniture.

Paint the Mantel

If a fireplace in a wall has an existing brick surround, the most effective way to disguise its appearance is with fresh coats of paint. The mantel's paint color can also add warmth and character to the space. A new paint color can make your fireplace stand out. You can match it with the scheme of color in the room or choose something bold.

If your mantel is wood, inspect it first for cracks, gouges, and nicks. Fill in the dents with wood putty if they are small enough. Allow it to dry for the period recommended. Sand the surface with 100-grit paper to roughen it up before painting. Clean the surface with a damp cloth to get rid of any dirt or dust.

While white is a popular color for fireplaces and walls The right shade can really help your mantel stand out. For ideas, take a take a look at the wood trims on your bookcases, moldings, and walls. Does your mantel have the same shade as theirs or is it lighter or darker? If you decide to go with the latter, choose one that blends well with the other colors in the room to ensure it looks balanced.

Before you start painting, protect the surrounding area with a drop cloth or sheets. Remove any ornaments or display pieces that were hung above the mantel. Remove any ornaments or photos that are around or on the brick fireplace. Once the mantel is empty and clean, wipe it with a an damp cloth to wash off any dust or soot that has built up.

Apply a basecoat of EasyCare Ultra Premium Interior Paint to your mantel with a brush or roller. The semi-gloss paint is long-lasting and stain resistant, so your mantel can stand up to the heat of the fireplace, and any other items placed on it. Let the primer dry, according to the instructions of the manufacturer, before you begin painting the main body of the fireplace wall.

While brick is a beautiful feature of a fireplace's wall mount fireplaces it can be heavy and dark in color. The mantel painted with a light or neutral color will make it appear more lively and more inviting for guests. If you choose to paint it a light color, consider pairing it with a earthy-toned piece of artwork or a mirror that is large above it to balance the appearance.everleigh-electric-110cm-43-fireplace-suite-multiple-colour-options-avaliable-white-889.jpg


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