Why Planar Magnetic Earbuds Should Be Your Next Big Obsession? > 자유게시판

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Why Planar Magnetic Earbuds Should Be Your Next Big Obsession?

페이지 정보

작성자 Matthias
댓글 0건 조회 11회 작성일 24-04-04 07:25


hifiman-he6se-full-size-over-ear-planar-magnetic-audiophile-adjustable-headphones-v2-6649.jpgPlanar Magnetic Earbuds

If you're a professional audiophile or just want to improve your listening experience on the go A great pair of magnetic headphones planar can take your music to the next level. These are ideal for listening to music that requires a lot of concentration, such as in audio production or at home, where you can relax and sink into your favorite tunes with comfort and clarity.


The good news is that planar magnetic headphones can deliver a lot of detail without distortion. The bad news is they can be expensive. Planar magnetic drivers, also referred to as orthodynamics, utilize a thin diaphragm sandwiched between two magnets. They have a greater frequency response than traditional dynamic drivers and can sound very spacious, although they may not have the same deep bass.

Planar magnetic headphones are generally more expensive than dynamic headphones because they are more hefty and require more power. They also have open-back designs that allow for the bleed of sound and let in surrounding noise. This can make them less portable than their dynamic counterparts and more likely to require an external amplifier for optimal performance.

While the top planar magnetic headphones can cost a few thousand of dollars There are a lot of options for budget audiophiles willing to make some concessions. The HIFIMAN Sundara, for example is an example of open-back headphones that offer the speed and precision that a planar magnet headphone can provide without breaking the bank.

Audeze LCD-2 Classic is another excellent option. It is a mix between bass slam and nimble technical features that make it perfect for listening to metal music. The LCD-2 is also among the few sets of headphones on this list that come with a hard-back pelican-style travel case, providing even more protection for your investment.

If you want to get the top headphones with magnetic planar design you should expect to spend at least $350. The HIFIMAN Sundara, for example are a pair of headphones that focus on detail and make an excellent entry into the world of premium headphones.


Planar magnetic headphones are constructed of ultra-thin, thin membranes that are imprinted with conductors, and hung over a magnetic array which manipulates them at incredible speeds to create sound. They provide a low distortion and a lightning-fast transient. Audeze, the manufacturer, states that they also have a the most accurate and wide response in terms of frequency.

Audeze, HiFiMAN and other manufacturers have integrated this technology into their high-end audiophile headphones. These are not your grandfather's cans They are larger and heavier than other dynamic-driver headphones. This can cause discomfort for some listeners, especially during long listening sessions. Fortunately, a number of boutique audio brands have come up with smaller models that are more comfortable to wear.

In addition to their distinctive design, many of these modern headphone designs offer better bass response than traditional headphones. While the majority of modern high-end dynamic driver headphones roll off the bass below 20Hz, planar headphones can produce bass to that level - even with open-back headphones like the Audeze LCD-4z and HiFiMAN Sundara. In general, however these headphones have better image structure and clarity and are able to separate individual instruments from a mix more easily. They also give a distinct "plucked" sound that some musicians find appealing.

All of these advantages make for an expansive natural soundstage that makes music more vivid and gives it a sense of space and airiness that dynamic-driver headphones cannot match. These headphones are great for jazz and classical music as well as contemporary instrumentalists. They can handle the most intricate details and articulations, without obstructing the rest. Like all headphones, there are closed-back and open-back options The former provides more spacious sound however isn't as effective at blocking out noise while the latter gives greater privacy, but compromises on transparency.


A good planar headphone will create a large soundstage, which will increase the realism and realism in your favorite music. They can reproduce bass notes with the fullness that listeners love. This provides an exciting and satisfying listening environment.

Planar headphones create their impressive soundstages with unique drivers. Instead of the domes and cones that many headphones use, planar headphones utilize ultra-thin diaphragms hung in magnetic fields. These drivers can move a greater amount of air than standard dynamic driver speakers, which results in greater clarity and precision in low frequencies. This is why planar headphones are so popular with audiophiles and engineers alike.

These drivers are large and allow for headphones Planar a wider and broader soundstage when compared to other headphones. A quality pair of planar headphones also have clear and spacious highs and mids. The high-quality audio that they produce is unparalleled by many other types of headphones, from low-cost portable models to the most expensive HiFi options on the market.

If you're thinking of upgrading your headphones to planar headphones, it's important to do your research. You can find reviews on reliable audio sites such as Head-Fi or the r/headphones Subreddit. You can also check out the opinions of actual users on social media. This will help you choose the right headphones to meet your needs and preferences.

Like all headphones, planar magnetic headphones come in open-back and closed-back designs. Closed-back headphones are more discreet, but open-back headphones allow sound to escape from the earcups. Both have advantages and drawbacks, most listeners prefer open-back planar headphones because they provide a sense of airiness and realism to their sound.


hifiman-deva-pro-over-ear-full-size-open-back-planar-magnetic-headphone-with-bluetooth-dongle-receiver-himalaya-r2r-architecture-dac-easily-switch-between-wired-and-wireless-bluetooth-5-0-20.jpgPlanar magnetic headphones are quite comfortable and often feature the earpads of soft, premium materials such as leather or suede. Additionally, many of the more expensive models offer an earband that is light and comfortable to wear. This makes sure that they're comfortable for long periods of time.

One of the main reasons why many audiophiles choose to purchase a pair of planar magnetic headphones is their ability to give you a feeling of immersion into their music. They also provide incredible clarity, detail and realism that will bring new life to your favourite tunes. They are not the best magnetic planar headphones choice for listening to your music in public because of their open-back designs that let outside noise in.

The most recent generation of planar drivers are capable of overcoming this limitation by using a more efficient dual voice coil array that splits the frequency response of the diaphragm. This allows the lower frequencies to be handled by the switchback coil, which is situated on top of the driver, and the mid-high frequency to be dealt with directly by the spiral coil, which is placed on top of the ear canal.

This is why modern-day headphones are more comfortable and lightweight than their predecessors. They also have a better bass and a more clear sound when compared to dynamic headphones. They are also less prone to distortion due to harmonics than other kinds of headphones. The diaphragm's movements are faster and more uniform than the dynamic speaker. This makes it less susceptible to fluctuations.

Noise isolation

The best headphones with planar magnets offer superior sound isolation over their dynamic driver counterparts. These headphones also have lower impedance, making them ideal for use with portable electronics. They also require less power. They also come with a greater frequency range than other headphones, allowing you to hear more audio clarity and bass frequencies.

Planar magnetic headphones have been acknowledged for their precision and clarity in sound reproduction. They are especially adept at reproducing vocals and music with rich harmonics and energetic instrumentation. The ultra-thin, 4 times larger diaphragm is the reason for this. The resulting distortion is much lower, which allows for faster response times, as well as improved clarity and image.

While the higher-end models of planar magnetic headphones can cost several thousand dollars, there are a number of affordable options available for those who love music. You can choose the most suitable pair of planar magnet headphones by determining your budget, preferences for listening and style.

Open-back headphones offer a more spacious and natural soundstage, but they also let in all the noise around them. To determine the ideal kind for you, think about the location and the way you'll use them. Open-back headphones allow for a more spacious and natural soundstage, but they also leak surrounding noise, while closed-back models stop sound leakage and provide excellent noise amplification.

Look for headphones that are comfortable, soft earpads as well as an adjustable headband that fits snugly around your ears. These features are particularly important for those who wear the headphones for prolonged durations of time. Make sure you take breaks between listening sessions to avoid fatigued ears. Find headphones equipped with equalizers (EQ) that allow you to fine-tune your sound quality.


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